
Fall 2020 Issue

The Fall in New York usually brings a flurry of gallery, museum, theatre openings, art fairs and fashion shows. This year, the streets are still relatively quiet with many businesses shuttered and what little is open often requires booking in advance.

Americans for the Arts research shows that to date in the US, it is estimated that nonprofit arts and cultural organizations have lost $14 billion and local businesses (e.g. restaurants, lodging, retail, parking) have lost $15.1 billion due to the lack of associated art-audience spending. 63% of artists and creatives have become fully unemployed and their income loss is expected to amount to $50.6 billion for 2020.

A more positive study started by University College, London in the UK, partnered with the University of Florida and Americans for the Arts is researching the impact of the arts on mental health. Preliminary findings show that just “30 minutes of active arts activities daily lowers anxiety ad depression and increases life satisfaction, … combating the ill effects of isolation and loneliness associated with COVID-19. “ Reading Gallery&Studio arts journal and website could be a part of your 30 minute daily arts activity.

In this Fall 2020 issue, we have continued our journey of diversity. Gallery&Studio has always taken a broad and inclusive view. We continue this trend with a diversity of art organizations, genres, ages, cultures, and styles. We hope you enjoy this month’s collection of articles.

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