Dancing is terrific for your mind, body and soul. It is recognized for its beauty as a performance art and its vigor as a sport. It’s a full cardio and aerobic workout.
Tango is a particularly emotionally and physically form of dancing.
We started a social club at my community clubhouse for Tango dancing in January 2020. Our club lasted for eight weekly meetings until we were shut down by the Covid19 pandemic.
The video offered here is taken from one of our meetings.
Dance has been life changing for me. I am much healthier and happier for having learned to dance. It is challenging to maintain one’s interest in dance when the dance halls are all shut down.
To help tide us over until the halls open again, our Tango Tangle Social Club has weekly online video conferences via zoom. It lets us continue to get to know each other, and provides opportunity to do some stretches and tango exercises under the direction of our club leaders.
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